The place for the most fascinating photographs from history specializing in animating stereoscopic images.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
African American Reverends Posing With Abraham Lincoln’s Horse Named
Old Robin in Front of Lincoln’s House in Springfield, Illinois, Shortly
After Lincoln’s Assassination (1865)
Two African American reverends posing with Abraham Lincoln’s horse named
Old Robin in front of Lincoln’s house in Springfield, Illinois, shortly
after Lincoln’s assassination, c. 1865. By F.W. Ingmire.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
View of the Body of a Dead French Pilot in the Cockpit of His Shot Down Plane During World War 1
View of the body of a dead French pilot in the cockpit of his shot down plane during World War 1. Animated stereoview.
From eBay.
first world war,
french air force,
french pilot,
plane crash,
shot down,
world war 1,
world war i,
world war one,
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Confederate Soldiers of the Marion Light Artillery Posing With a Cannon on Coles Island, South Carolina (1861)
Confederate soldiers of the Marion Light Artillery posing with a cannon
on Coles Island, South Carolina, 1861. By Osborn and Durbec. Animated
Daguerreotype Portrait of a Group of Schoolgirls Posing With Their Teacher in a Portrait Studio in Detroit, Michigan
Daguerreotype portrait of a group of schoolgirls posing with their
teacher in a portrait studio in Detroit, Michigan, c. 1850′s. By Moses
View of a Crowd Greeting Union Soldiers of the 1st Michigan Volunteer
Infantry Regiment After Their Return From Fighting in the First Battle
of Bull Run at the D&M Railroad Depot in Detroit, Michigan (1861)
Two views of a crowd greeting Union soldiers of the 1st Michigan
Volunteer Infantry Regiment after their return from fighting in the
First Battle of Bull Run at the D&M Railroad Depot in Detroit,
Michigan, August 2, 1861. Politician Lewis Cass is said to be speaking
to the crowd and is probably standing with other dignitaries below the
American flags. By Jex Bardwell. Animated stereoview.
Animated Stereoscopic Portrait of Two Unidentified African American Boys Sitting on a Barrel at a Plantation
Animated stereoscopic portrait of two unidentified African American boys
sitting on a barrel at a plantation, c. 1860's. By Jerome Nelson
Daguerreotype View of Henry Clay's Funeral Procession in Lexington, Kentucky (1852)
Daguerreotype view of Henry Clay's funeral procession in Lexington, Kentucky, July 10, 1852.
More information.
Friday, March 27, 2015
De Visite of a Group of Confederate POWs in the Union Prison Camp at
Rock Island Prison Barracks in Illinois During the Civil War
Carte de visite of a group of Confederate POWs in the Union prison camp
at Rock Island Prison Barracks in Illinois during the Civil War.
Daguerreotype Portrait of an Unidentified Family From Maine
Daguerreotype portrait of an unidentified family from Maine, c. 1850. By John Adams Whipple.
Review of Union Soldiers of the Excelsior Brigade on Review in an Unidentified Camp During the Civil War
A review of Union soldiers of the Excelsior Brigade in an
unidentified camp during the Civil War. The units in this view are said
to be of the 72nd, 73rd, and 74th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiments.
Animated stereoscopic photographs.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
The Body of a Dead German Soldier Lying in a Ditch Somewhere in Belgium During World War 1 (1917)
The body of a dead German soldier lying in a ditch somewhere in Belgium during World War 1, c. 1917.
More information.
belgian history,
first world war,
gas mask,
german dead,
german soldier,
world war 1,
world war i,
world war one,
of a Pontoon Bridge Built by the 50th New York Engineer Regiment Over
the Pamunkey River at Nelson's Crossing, Virginia (1864)
View of a pontoon bridge built by the 50th New York Engineer Regiment
over the Pamunkey River at Nelson's Crossing, Virginia, May 1864. The
head of an unidentified man is visible in the foreground. By Timothy
O'Sullivan. Animated stereoscopic photographs.
Animated Stereoscopic Color Autochrome Portrait of an Unidentified French Officer During World War 1 (1914)
Animated stereoscopic color autochrome portrait of an unidentified French officer during World War 1, c. 1914.
Union Soldiers From Company A of the 8th Regiment New York State Militia Posing in a Camp in Arlington, Virginia (1861)
Union soldiers from Company A of the 8th Regiment New York State Militia posing in a camp in Arlington, Virginia, June 1861.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Daguerreotype View of the Unitarian Congregational Church of the Messiah Along Broadway in New York City (1839)
Daguerreotype view of the Unitarian Congregational Church of the Messiah
along Broadway in New York City, c. 1839. Believed to be the earliest
surviving photograph of New York City. By Samuel Morse and John Draper.
More information.
Views of a Native American Delegation Posing With Unidentified Men on
the Grounds of the White House Possibly During the Civil War
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The group posing in front of the south side of the White House. |
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The group posing somewhere on the grounds of the White House. |
Two views of a Native American delegation posing with unidentified men
on the grounds of the White House possibly during the Civil War, c.
1860's. Attributed to Mathew Brady.
Source 1.
Source 2.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Vignette Portrait of John Wilkes Booth (1864)
Vignette portrait of John Wilkes Booth, 1864. From Lincoln in Photographs: An Album of Every Known Pose.
Scenes of Two Unidentified Union Officers and Two Soldiers of the 33rd
New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment Posing With Their Horses During the
Civil War
Two scenes of two unidentified Union officers and another two soldiers
of the 33rd New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment posing with what are
presumably their horses in an unidentified camp during the Civil War.
Attributed to Mathew Brady. Animated stereoscopic photographs.
Source 1.
Source 2.
French Soldiers Eating a Meal in a Front Line Trench in Notre Dame de Lorette, France, During World War 1
French soldiers eating a meal in a front line trench in Notre Dame de Lorette, France, during World War 1. Animated stereoview.
From eBay.
of the 1st Regiment, Missouri State Guards, Posing at Camp Lewis Which
Was Set up on Fair Grounds in St. Louis, Missouri (1860)
"Camp Lewis, 1st Regiment, Missouri State Guards, Col. A. R. Easton, St.
Louis Fair Grounds. Salted Paper Print, 1860." Militiamen of the 1st
Regiment, Missouri State Guards, posing at Camp Lewis which was set up
on fair grounds in St. Louis, Missouri, 1860.
More information.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
De Visite Portrait of Confederate Soldier Austin A. Trescott of the
21st Mississippi Infantry Regiment Posing With His Unit’s Regimental
Colors Shortly After the End of the Civil War
Carte de visite portrait of Confederate soldier Austin A. Trescott from
Company A of the 21st Mississippi Infantry Regiment posing his unit’s
tattered regimental colors shortly after the end of the Civil War.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
of Congressman Thaddeus Stevens' Casket Lying in State at the Foot of a
Statue of Abraham Lincoln in the United States Capitol Rotunda,
Washington, D.C. (1868)
View of Congressman Thaddeus Stevens' casket lying in state at the foot
of a statue of Abraham Lincoln as well as a number of soldiers paying
their respects in the United States Capitol Rotunda, Washington, D.C.,
1868. Attributed to Mathew Brady.
Group of Union Telegraph Operators Drinking in Their Quarters Situated
Near the Headquarters of the Army of the Potomac During the Siege of
A group of Union telegraph operators drinking in their quarters situated
near the headquarters of the Army of the Potomac during the Siege of
Petersburg near Petersburg, Virginia. By Timothy O’Sullivan. Animated
stereoscopic photographs.
Union Soldiers of the 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery Regiment Sitting Down for a Meal in a Tent During the Civil War (1863)
Union soldiers of the 1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery Regiment sitting down for a meal in a tent during the Civil War, 1863.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Tintype Copy of a Lost Negative Profile Portrait of President-Elect Abraham Lincoln in Springfield, Illinois (1861)
Tintype copy of a lost negative profile portrait of President-elect
Abraham Lincoln in Springfield, Illinois, February 9, 1861. By
Christopher S. German.
Soldiers of the 9th Regiment Missouri State Militia Cavalry and
Civilians Posing in a Street in St. Joseph, Missouri (1862)
Union soldiers of the 9th Regiment Missouri State Militia Cavalry and
civilians posing in a street in St. Joseph, Missouri, 1862.
Tintype Portrait of a Union Soldier Posing in a Photography Studio With
Hardtack, Fatback, Coffee Pot, Musket and Other Equipment During the
Civil War
Hand-colored tintype portrait of a Union soldier posing in a photography
studio with hardtack, fatback, coffee pot, musket and other equipment
during the Civil War.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Portrait of a Group of Firemen of the Arundel Engine Company Posing
With Their Hand-Pumped Fire Engine in Kennebunkport, Maine (1850)
Daguerreotype portrait of a group of firemen of the Arundel Engine
Company posing with their hand-pumped fire engine in Kennebunkport,
Maine, c. 1850.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Portrait of Frederick Warren, City Marshal of Worcester, Massachusetts,
Posing with an Unidentified Handcuffed Prisoner (1850)
Daguerreotype portrait of Frederick Warren, city marshal of Worcester,
Massachusetts, posing with an unidentified handcuffed prisoner, c. 1850.
By Moses Sanford Chapin.
Band of the 48th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment Posing in the
Interior of Fort Pulaski on Cockspur Island Near Savannah, Georgia
The band of the 48th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment posing in
the interior of Fort Pulaski on Cockspur Island near Savannah, Georgia,
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Soldiers of the 48th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment Standing at
Attention in the Interior of Fort Pulaski on Cockspur Island Near
Savannah, Georgia (1863)
Union soldiers of the 48th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment standing
at attention in the interior of Fort Pulaski on Cockspur Island near
Savannah, Georgia, 1863.
A Military Band Playing For a Group of Civilians at Curragh Camp in County Kildare, Ireland (1861)
A military band playing for a group of civilians at Curragh Camp in
County Kildare, Ireland, 1861. Attributed to Edward Dyne Fenton.
Tintype Portrait of Three Union Soldiers Posing in Camp Michigan Near
Mount Vernon, Virginia, During the Civil War (1862)
“The tent of Capt. S.S. Mathews at Camp Michigan. Va together with the
artificial arbor of evergreens in front. Jan. 1st, 1862.″ Hand-colored
tintype portrait of three Union soldiers posing in Camp Michigan near
Mount Vernon, Virginia, during the Civil War.
View of People Skating on a Frozen Lake or River in Detroit, Michigan (1860)
View of people skating on a frozen lake or river in Detroit, Michigan, 1860. Animated stereoview.
Union Soldiers of Battery A of the 1st Regiment Michigan Light Artillery Posing With a Cannon and Limber During the Civil War
Union soldiers of Battery A of the 1st Regiment Michigan Light Artillery
posing with a cannon and limber probably at Fort in Detroit, Michigan,
during the Civil War. The unit was also known as the Coldwater Light
Artillery and Loomis' Battery, Michigan Light Artillery. By Jex
Bardwell. Animated stereoview.
More information.
Union Soldiers Posing at a Wharf in Yorktown, Virginia, During the Peninsula Campaign (1862)
Union soldiers posing at a wharf in Yorktown, Virginia, during the
Peninsula Campaign, May 1862. A steamer named Robert Morris is visible
docked in the background. Animated stereoscopic photographs.
Carte De Visite Portrait of Union Soldiers of the 63rd New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment Posing With Their Colors
Carte de visite portrait of Union soldiers of the 63rd New York
Volunteer Infantry Regiment posing with their colors in Albany, New
York. By Stephen Joseph Thompson.
Tintype Portrait of Cyrus Cowden Posing at the Reins of a New Horse-Drawn Hearse Possibly in Grass Lake, Michigan
Tintype portrait of a man named Cyrus Cowden posing at the reins of a new horse-drawn hearse possibly in Grass Lake, Michigan.
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