martes, 21 de marzo de 2017

View 21'st Dynasty Theban Royal Mummies from DB320

View 21'st Dynasty Theban Royal Mummies from DB320

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Background Image:  Wall scene from the tomb of Ramesses II (KV 7.) From Karl
Richard Lepsius, Denkmäler (Berlin: 1849-1859.)


XXI'st  Dynasty Gallery II
Learn more about the 21'st

Neskhons (c.
990?-969? B.C. Dated to reign of Pinudjem II.)


Provenance: DB 320
Discovery Date: 1860? (official
discovery 1881)
Current Location: Cairo
Museum CG61095

View the coffins of Neskhons here

Neskhons.jpg (38428 bytes)
Click here for biographical

Details: The mummy of Neskhons was partly
unwrapped by Gaston Maspero on June 27'th, 1886. G. E. Smith completed the
unwrapping in 1906. He discovered that flowers (of an unidentified family)
had been wrapped around Neskhons' big toes. Another flower on a long stem
had been placed on her left foot, and another encircled her left ankle.
Although Smith could not determine her age at death, he notes that
Neskhons had no gray hairs and must have been relatively young when she
died. Based on the swollen appearance of her stomach, Smith concluded that
Neskhons had been pregnant (or in the process of giving birth) when she
    Neskhons' mummy had been covered with an
Osiris-type shroud which the Abd el-Rassul's had probably cut through when
they stole Neskhons' heart scarab (which is now part of the British
Museum's collection, # EA25584). No other objects of value appeared
on her mummy, but numerous grave goods associated with her burial were
found in DB 320. These objects consisted of copper vessels, a basket of
glass and faience vessels, a shabti box, an Osiris figure, a papyrus, and
four canopic containers with lids depicting the Four Sons of Horus. (These
canopics are currently in the British Museum, and may be seen at the British Museum
    Neskhons' outermost coffin
(CG61030) was intact, and close examination revealed that it had
originally been made for a woman named Isiemkheb (which Niwinski
distinguishes from Isiemkheb-D CG1093 below.) Her inner coffin and
coffin board had also been appropriated from this same Isiemkheb (who was
probably the wife of Menkheperre-A and is designated as Isiemkheb-C
by Kitchen) and had their gilded hands and faces removed in
antiquity. (See a photo of one of Neskhon's coffins from Ian Bolton's Egypt:
Land of Eternity
    Neskhons lay in only
one of her coffins (presumably the inner one, although this is not
specified by Reeves.) Her other coffin was found containing the mummy of
Ramesses IX.
Dewachter theorizes that Ramesses IX was mistakenly put in Neskhon's
coffin in DB 320 during one of the caching operations. However, since
Neskhon's original burial was in DB 320 in Year 5 of Siamun (see
Other Burial Data below) and occurred many years before the
placement of Ramesses IX in the DB 320 cache after Year 11 of Shoshenq I
(according to the dating system of Reeves), it seems unlikely that the
kind of mix-up referred to by Dewachter would have
    Reeves offers an interesting
explanation for the presence of Ramesses IX in a coffin of Neskhons. He
points out that linen dockets on the mummy of Ramesses IX indicate that
the linen employed to rewrap this king had been donated by Neskhons, and
theorizes that she may also have chosen to donate one of her own coffins
for use in one of the king's reburials. If we accept  Reeves' account
of post interment activity in the Theban royal necropolis, this particular
reburial of Ramesses IX was probably in the k3y of Inhapi,
and had to have taken place sometime prior to Neskhon's death, which
occurred shortly thereafter in the same year. However, an argument against
Reeves' theory about the hypothetical donation of this coffin may be based
on the observable fact that no attempt was made to modify it for a male
burial, as was done with other female coffins subsequently used by men. (Source Bibliography:
110ff.; BSFE 74 [1975], 27; DRN, 201, 207, 213,
218, 219, n. 68; JARCE 16 [1979], 49ff.; MiAE, 242, 316,
330, ill. 399; MR, 566ff., 578 f., 590ff.; RM,
Other Burial Data
Original Burial: In DB 320 (in end chamber "F".) Reeves states that
Neskhons predeceased her husband (Pinudjem II) and dates her burial to
Year 5 of Siamun 4 smw 21 based on a wall docket found at
the bottom of the entrance shaft to DB 320 (see Wall Docket
translation below.) (Source Bibliography: DRN,
Wall Docket (from bottom of entrance shaft of DB
320): Year 5 4 smw 21 of Siamun (or Amenomope? Osochor?/Pinudjem II?: "Year 5 4
smw 21. Day of burial (krs) of the chief of
ladies Neskhons, by the god's father of Amun, overseer of the treasury
Djedkhonsiufankh son of...; the prophet of Amon-Re king of the gods
Ankhefenamen; the elder (?) Nespay...; the god's father of Amun, chief of
the army Nespakashuty. The seals which are upon this place: the seal of
the overseer of the treasury Djedkhonsiufankh; the seal of the scribe of
the treasury Nes..." (Source Bibliography: DRN, 237, #36; JEA
32 [1948],
26; MR, 520f. [facs., transcr.]; RNT,
251 [24]; TIP, 422 [68.]

Photo Credit: RM (Cairo, 1912,) pl. LXXXII.

For  high resolution images of Neskhons see the
University of Chicago's Electronic Open Stacks copy of Smith's The
Royal Mummies
(Cairo, 1912,) Call #: DT57.C2 vol59,
LXXXII. LXXXIII, LXXXIV. Recent color photos of the mummy of Neskhons may be seen at the Eternal Egypt website.

Source Abbreviation Key

Isiemkheb-D (c.
990?-969? B.C. Dated to reign of Pinudjem II.) 
21'st Dynasty
Provenance: DB 320
Discovery Date:
1860? (official
discovery 1881)
Current Location:
Museum CG61093

Isiemkheb.jpg (69727 bytes)
Biographical data:
Wife of Pinudjem

See Isiemkheb-D's coffins

Because of its remarkable state of
preservation, the mummy of Isiemkheb-D has never been unwrapped. (See another photo of Isiemkheb from MR1 [Cairo,
reprinted in KMT [3:4] 47.) Maspero erroneously
reported that the mummy had been plundered in antiquity (an error repeated
by Dewhacter) probably due to the existence of a heart scarab mistakenly
attributed to her which was illustrated in the 18'th century De origine
et usu obeliscorum
of G. Zoega. (Daressy also mistakenly attributes
this scarab to Isiemkheb-D but in all probability it originally belonged
to the same Isiemkheb-C in whose coffins the bodies of Neskhons and Ramesses IX were found. cf. Neskhons' entry
    X-rays taken by Harris and Weeks reveal a
small number of articles still in situ beneath Isiemkheb-D's Osiris shroud
and bandages. Harris and Weeks specifically mention a small amulet on
Isiemkheb-D's neck, another on her right arm, and one on her forehead (cf.
the leather amulet thong found on Maatkare's head.) X-rays also reveal
that Isiemkheb-D suffered from arthritis of the knees and tooth decay. She
was found in her original double coffin set (CG 61031). Although the outer
coffin was intact, the inner coffin and coffin board had their gilded
hands and faces missing. Isiemkheb-D was
found with a number of grave goods: a leather shrine, a stand with four
copper vessels, provisions of various sorts, broken shabti boxes, an
Osiris figure, a papyrus, and canopic jars. (Source Bibliography:
ASAE 20 [1920], 17f.; BSFE 74 [1975], 32, n. 31; CCR,
134ff.; DRN, 201, 207, 213, 257; JARCE 16 [1979],
49ff.; MiAE, 78, 91, 132, 175, 231, 242, 316, 330, ills. 138,
430; MR, 577, 584ff.; RM, 106 f., pl. 80; XRA,
3F13-3G8; XRP, 50, 51, 173
Other Burial Data:
Original Burial
: Due to the
numerous grave goods found with Isiemkheb-D, and the intact condition of
her mummy, it is highly likely that DB 320 was her original place of
burial. (Source: DRN, 257.)
: Salima Ikram and Aidan Dodson theorize that Isiemkheb-D's
inner coffin and coffin board were probably plundered by members of
Pinudjem II'nd's burial party, who took advantage of the high priest's
burial to rifle the funerary equipment of one of his wives. (Source:
)  If this is the case, then we know the
date at which the plundering occurred: Year 10 4 prt 20, the
date of Pinudjem II'nd's funeral as recorded on the Wall Docket at the
bottom of DB 320's shaft entrance. We also know the names of the people
who took credit for the high priest's burial: Djedkhonsiufankh, a
treasurer (probably associated with the Karnak temple complex);
Nespakashuty, a military scribe and necropolis inspector; Pediamun, son of
Ankhefenkhons, who bore the intriguing title "chief of secrets"; a priest
of Amun whose partly illegible name contained the three syllables
"...enamun"; and a man named Wennufer. These men were also given the title
"god's father of Amun," and were evidently very important people. They
were accompanied at DB 320 by Bakenmut, a royal scribe from "The Place of
Truth", i.e. the Valley of the Kings; and two chief workmen from the
necropolis named Pediamun and Amenmose. (See Wall Docket
translation in 21'st Dynasty Gallery I, given in Pinudjem II's
    It is, of course, conceivable that
these men were corrupt officials and avaricious necropolis employees just
like the ones named in the Tomb Robbery Papyri of the late XX'th Dynasty.
But why would they be willing to leave their signatures in a tomb they had
themselves just plundered? Perhaps the men who gave their names and titles
on the DB 320 wall inscription did little of the actual work involved in
laying the mummy of Pinudjem II to rest. This could have been delegated to
a crew of workers, who took advantage of the moment and tore the gilding
off the inner coffin and coffin board of Isiemkheb-D. (Source
Bibliography: DRN,
257; MiAE, 330.
Photo Credit: XRP (1973,)
For  high resolution images of Isiemkheb-D see the
University of Chicago's Electronic Open Stacks copy of Smith's The
Royal Mummies
(Cairo, 1912,) Call #: DT57.C2 vol59,
plate LXXX.

Nestanebtishru (c.990?-977? B.C. Precise dating uncertain.)
Late 21'st
Dynasty--Early 22'nd Dynasty
Provenance: DB 320
Discovery Date:
1860? (official
discovery 1881)
Current Location:
Museum CG61096

View Nestanebtishru's coffins and
Nestanebtishru.jpg (38902 bytes)
Biographical data: Daughter of Pinudjem II and Neskhons.
Nestanebtishru is often said to have been wife of the Fourth Prophet of
Amen, Djedptahiufankh (see below.)

The mummy
of Nestanebtishru was unwrapped by Gaston Maspero on June 30'th, 1886. (Go
here and here for more photos of Nestanebtishru taken by Emile
Brugsch in 1886, reproduced in MA [1958,] 125-126) G. E.
Smith describes this mummy as "one of the finest specimens of the
embalmer's art in the XXI'st Dynasty," and noted that the earlier mistake
of "over packing and distending the face" has not occurred here. He
further describes her (subjectively) as a "haughty, Bourbon-like lady" and
states that the sawdust (or "powdered wood") used to stuff her body cavity
still emits a "strong, pungent aromatic odour." Like other aristocratic
ladies of her period, Nestanebtishru's body had been colored with yellow
ochre in imitation of the yellow coloration given to ladies in wall
paintings. Reeves states that no valuable objects were found among the
mummy wrappings, but notes that an impression of an embalming plate can be
discerned, apparently in the hardened resins used by the embalmers. There
was also a linen docket written in hieratic on her shroud, which indicated
that it had been woven for her by her alleged step mother Isiemkheb (D?)
(see Linen Docket translation below.)
Nestanebtishru was found in her original double coffin set
(CG61033.) Both inner and outer coffins and coffin board were
intact, although poorly preserved, and appear to have been damaged by the
chemical actions of the funerary oils that must have been poured upon them
in large amounts. These oils appear to have hardened and discolored into a thick,
black coating which obscures most of the decorative motifs and
inscriptions. (For more about the coffins of Nestanebtishru, click

    Nestanebtishru's other burial
equipment included copper vessels, damaged shabti boxes, an Osiris figure,
a papyrus (see photo from EMbm, 4) and canopic jars.
There is also a shabti of Nestanebtishru in a private collection (see photo from CP, 177,
where no data concerning the identity of its owner is given) and another
DB320 shabti of Nestanebtishru that was acquired by the Medelhavsmuseet in
Stockholm in 1976 (Medelhavsmuseet Bulletin, Stockholm
11, 1976, 65-73,
which notes the acquisition of a "blue-glazed shawabti of Nestanebasheru, the daughter of Pinodjem II" and
gives the
museum catalogue number as MME 1975:72.) Whether these were
found by Brugsch in situ in DB 320, or stolen earlier and sold on
the antiquities market by the Abd el-Rassul's remains an open question.
One of Nestanebtishru's rather crudely made copper vessels is in the
collection of the Petrie Museum and may be seen
here. Impressions
in the hardened resins covering Nestanebtishru's lower abdomen were noted
by Smith, who concluded that an embalming plate (referred to above) had
originally covered the embalming incision.  Reeves concludes that
this object (probably made of gold) could only have been stolen by those
responsible for originally wrapping the mummy because the indentations
which it made were beneath the wrappings that Maspero removed in 1886.
(Source Bibliography: CCR, 196ff.; CP, 17; DRN,
191, 201, 207, 213, 218 n. 57; EM, 118f.; EMbm, 4;
316; MR, 579f.; RM, 109ff.
Other Burial Data:
Original Burial
: In DB 320. This can be inferred from the relatively
intact condition of her mummy and coffins, given Reeves' reasonable
assumption that the restorers would not rebury a mummy unless its original
tomb had been robbed. He also states that
Nestanebtishru's burial was one of the last original burials in this tomb,
and that it was after the interment of her alleged husband Djedptahiufankh
(see below) that the mummies from the k3y of Inhapi were
cached with them in DB 320. He dates Nestanebtishru's burial to a Year 13
of an unspecified ruler on the basis of the linen docket found on her
mummy (see below.) Reeves does not specify where Nestanebtishru was found
in DB 320, but, due to her relationship with Pinudjem II and Neskhons, she
was probably laid to rest with them in end chamber "F". If we agree that
Nestanebtishru's linen docket inscription cannot be positively attributed
to any particular reign with confidence, its dating to an unspecified Year
13 is not extremely helpful. However, if we assume that the Isiemkheb
referred to in Nestanebtishru's docket is Isiemkheb-D, and agree (with
Reeves) that Isiemkheb-D predeceased her husband, Pinudjem II, then the
Year 13 on Nestanebtishru's docket can only be Year 13 of Pinudjem II. If
this is the case, then it seems highly unlikely that Djedptahiufankh was
Nestanebtishru's husband, for he would have outlived her by about 42
years, well into the reign of Shoshenq I. This may, of course, have been
the case, but the mummy of Djedptahiufankh seems to be that of a young
man. Be this as it may, the attribution of Nestanebtishru's linen docket
to Year 13 of Pinudjem II, if feasible, mandates an earlier dating for her
burial in DB 320 than is usually given. (Source Bibliography: DRN,
191, 257.)
Linen Docket Translation: Year 13 of (identity of
ruler uncertain) Shoshenq I? Siamun? Psusennes I?
Iuput? (to this list I would add Pinudjem II for reasons given in
Djedptahiufankh's entry below.) "Linen for Min, Horus and Isis which the
first great one of the harem Isiemkheb made in Yr 13" (Source
Bibliography: DRN,
239; MR, 579; RNT, 259 [19] which
Reeves notes is "in error."
Photo Credit: Emile Brugsch, 1886. From MA
(1958,) p. 125. 
For  high resolution images of
Nestanebtishru see the University of Chicago's Electronic Open Stacks copy
of Smith's The Royal Mummies (Cairo, 1912,) Call
#: DT57.C2 vol59,

Djedptahiufankh (c.
969?-935? B.C. Precise dating
Provenance: DB 320
Discovery Date:
1860? (official
discovery 1881)
Current Location:
Cairo Museum CG

View Djedptahiufankh's coffins here

Djedptahiufankh.jpg (56092 bytes)
Biographical data:
Djedptahiufankh bore the title "Fourth
Prophet of Amen," and is often said to have been married to Nestanebtishru
(see above.)

The mummy of Djedptahiufankh was
intact when found in DB 320, and was partly unwrapped by Maspero on June
29'th, 1886. At that time, Maspero found the figures of two serpents (made
of some unspecified material) on the neck of the mummy, and also a lotus
flower, which had been wrapped in the folds of linen. He also discovered a
heart scarab on the mummy's chest along with a silver figure of a hawk
with spread wings.
    Twenty years later (on
Sept. 5'th, 1906) Smith removed some of the remaining bandages and
discovered numerous amulets and other items of jewelry. Very thin gold
rings were found on Djedptahiufankh's fingers and toes, and were probably
used, in place of string,  to keep gold finger and toe covers in
place. Smith found many carnelian objects on the left arm: a  uraeus,
a serpent's head, an Ab amulet, a lotus bud, a barrel-shaped
object, and an object of unknown significance shaped somewhat like the
letter "Y."
    In some manner attached to these,
Smith also found a scarab and a wedjet made of a mottled black and
white stone; two lotus buds, another scarab, and a djed amulet made
of light green stone; a broken object of undetermined significance; and a
"boomerang"-shaped object with a figure of Thoth engraved upon it. The
embalming plate had been fashioned out of a copper alloy material,
identified by Smith as bronze, and had the usual wedjet fashioned
on it in raised relief.
mummy lay in a double coffin set (CG 61026) which had originally
belonged to an individual named Nesshuenopet. The coffin board had also
originally belonged to another person whose identity is unspecified. The
outermost coffin had its gilded left hand missing. Otherwise, the coffins
and coffin board were intact.

    Djedptahiufankh was found with three
shabti boxes, an Osiris figure, and a papyrus. There were also three
different inscriptions on his wrappings (see Linen Docket
translations below.) (Source Bibliography: CCR,
200ff.; DRN, 201, 207, 212; MR, 572ff., 590, 592; RM,
112ff.; XRA, 4D11-4E6.
Other Burial Data:
Original Burial:
In DB 320, no earlier than Year 11 of Shoshenq I
Reeves contends that necropolis officials took advantage of the burial of
Djedptahiufankh to transfer the mummies from the tomb of Inhapi to DB
320, thereby implying that Djedptahiufankh's was the last burial prior to
the caching of the other mummies. (Source Bibliography: DRN,
Linen Docket Translations:(i.) Year 5 of Shoshenq
I/Iuput: " Noble linen which the dual king (nsw bity) lord
of he two lands Hedjkheperre son of Re lord of appearings Shoshenq-meramun
made for his father Amun in Year 5; noble linen..." (Source
Bibliography: DRN,
239; MR, 573 [transcr.]; RNT, 253
(ii.) Year 10 of Shoshenq I/Iuput: "Noble linen which the
dual king (nsw bity) lord of he two lands Hedjkheperre son
of Re lord of appearings Shoshenq-meramun made for his father Amun (in)
year 10; noble linen which the high priest of Amon-Re, great chief of the
army Iuput, true of voice, king's son of the lord of the two lands
Shoshenq-meramun, made for his father Amun (in) Year 10" (Source
Bibliography: DRN,
239; MR,  573 [transcr.]; RNT,
253 [32].
(iii.) Year 11 of Shoshenq I/Iuput:

Photo Credit: RM (Cairo, 1912,) pl.
For  high resolution images of Djedptahiufankh
see the University of Chicago's Electronic Open Stacks copy of Smith's
The Royal Mummies (Cairo, 1912,) Call #: DT57.C2
plates LXXXIX, XC, XCI, XCII, XCIII (for close up of jewelry on wrist.) Recent color photos of Djedptahiufankh's mummy may be seen at the Eternal Egypt website. See Flickr member dustinkeirstead's color photo of Djedptahiufankh's mummy as it appears today in the Royal Mummy Room of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.


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